Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
About Department
Electronics and telecommunication engineering is a constantly changing and widening branch of the engineering. Increased production and the demand by the government, business community, and corporate world contribute in the growth of employment opportunities in the field. Department of Electronics and Telecommunication engineering of Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune is one of the premier department aimed to provide quality education to the young engineers in the field. The department has excellent infrastructure and the resources in the form of modern equipments, well qualified faculty members, state-of- the-art library with access to digital subscriptions such as IEEE, Science Direct and Springer link which plays an important role in shaping the carrier of the under graduate, post-graduate and the research Scholars in and around the country.

Department Highlights
- Department of Electronics and Telecommunication of Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune is one of the premier departments aimed to provide quality education to the young engineers in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication.
- Our sanctioned intake for UG is 120 students, PG 24 and Research centre Ph.D in electronics approved by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
- The experienced and learned team of 30 faculty members having average experience of 15 years+, 4 technical supporting staff and 4 non-teaching staff are guiding the students that lead the department in first five rankers of the SPPU Pune.
- The department has 6 faculty members as a PhD guide under whom 26 PhD Scholars have completed PhD yet and 23 research scholars pursuing PhD.
- The department has active ISTE,IEI,IETE and IEEE students’ chapters which help the students and the faculty members to organize guest lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences.
- The department runs a student’s association known as Electronics and telecommunication Engineering Students Association (ENTESA) which organizes various extra-curricular and co-curricular activities such as INNOVISION, RACHANA etc.
- The students are motivated to participate in various activities such as technical festivals, conferences and the project competitions held in prestigious institutions such as IITs, NITs etc. Our students have bagged various prizes in ISTE, IETE, IEEE and IE events.
- The department has 02 patents granted, 09 patents published, 35 research papers in various conferences and 106 research papers published in various journals.
- The department plays a pivotal role in laying down road maps in the different research areas such as, Signal and Image processing, Design of Electronic Devices and Systems, Hardware and Software Co-Design System, Communication theory and telecommunication network.
- The department has excellent infrastructure and the resources in the form of modern equipments, well qualified faculty members, state-of-the-art library with access to digital subscriptions such as IEEE, ScienceDirect and Springer link which plays an important role in shaping the career of the undergraduate, post-graduate and the research Scholars in and around the country.
- The laboratories are well furnished, well equipped and have been designed as per the norms specified by the government statutory bodies such as AICTE, DTE and the curriculum requirement laid down by the SPPU Pune.
- The VLSI laboratory is well-equipped with FPGA device kits sponsored by Actel USA, PSOC kits sponsored by Cypress semiconductor Bangalore. The communication Lab is sponsored by Conductix Wampler and E-Yantra IIT Bombay.
- The laboratories are equipped with the state-of-art equipments like Spectrum analyzer, DSO, MSO, Logic Analyzer, Arbitrary Function Generator, and modern software which includes EDA tools, MATLAB, Active HDL, MULTISIM, Lab view etc.
- The department has also recently signed MoUs with Gills Instruments,Bangalore,Actel USA,Dzine Masters,DINS Infotech and many more that helps to develop various activities in the department.
- The department has received research funding by BCUD Savitribai Phule Pune University 4,80,000/- and Bhairavnath Sugar Works Limited Lavangi Unit-III Tal-Mangalveda Dist-Solapur 13,50,000/-
- A technological Hub for production of Eco friendly and economical products to improve the socio-economics status of SC in Osmanabad block , Grant-in-aid sanctioned: Rs.4735200/-. Funding Agency: DST New Delhi, Year: 2022-25. [Three Years]
- IEEE Conference Computing on Challenges and Opportunities in Smart City Implementation in IOT, Grant Communication and Green Engineering 23-25 Sep 2021, Grant-in-aid sanctioned: Rs.200000/- Funding Agency : AICTE New Delhi. Year 2021-22.
- One week Short Term Training Program -in aid sanctioned: Rs.300000/-, Funding Agency: AICTE New Delhi. Year 2020-21.
- Two week FDP “Artificial intelligence and its applications in Biomedical Engineering”, Grant-in-aid sanctioned: Rs.521667/- Funding Agency: AICTE New Delhi. Year:2020-21.