Guide To NewComers

Welcome to JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering (RSCOE)

We know you all have entered in RSCOE with lots of hope and dreams in your eyes. We will not let you down, we are going to help you to fulfill all your dreams. First of all, we would like to congratulate you all to get admission in the best college in Engineering Sector When the student joins the college, we welcome them whole heartedly and guide them where and whenever needed till they complete their graduation. Their will be two semesters in a year. The college working time will be from 8.30 am to 3. 30pm.The college will be working from Monday to Saturday except 1st and 3rd Saturday. All students must come in proper uniform on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Students will be allowed in the campus only if they carry college I-card with them. We support advance learner to upgrade and enhance their knowledge by doing courses in MOOC, NPTEL etc.. and motivate them to participate in industry organized, inter-college and intra-college competitions. For Slow learners we conduct extra lecture and remedial lectures. We Motivate them to improve their learning skill by promoting them to participate in extra activities At the beginning of each year we conduct a 15 days induction program for the students where we make students aware about the department and institute profile, inform them about infrastructure facility, make aware about curriculum and assessment scheme and conduct expert talk, technical sessions by industrialist or academicians. We also conduct different activities to provide the students with opportunities to develop leadership, social responsibility, citizenship, volunteerism, and employment experience.

Apart from teaching learning process we engage students in different activities by invoving them in different clubs at college level and department level. At the college we are having different clubs and forums as follows

  1. Rotaract Club
  2. RSCOE Satellite Club
  3. Coding Club
  4. Entrepreneurship Development Cell
  5. Shaashwat Club
  6. Robotics and Automation
  7. Young Inspirartion Network
  8. Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
  10. NSS

We also promote students to participate in social activities like

  1. Beti Bachao Abhiyaan
  2. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
  3. Orientation and charity programs for orphanage, old age homes, mentally retarded and blind children
  4. Health check-up camps and Blood donation camps
  5. Computer Literacy – Educating school students in rural areas about computers and its use
  6. Digital awareness programs like cashless transaction during demonetization
  7. Tree Plantation- Environmental awareness
  8. We also provide students with Medical help in the campus, personal counselling and Career Counselling. Medical Counselor is Available in the Institute. We have MOU with Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital and Bhoir Hospital

We have Newsletter and Magazines at Institutional Level and Department Level as given below

  1. Kalavishkar-Institute Level
  2. Wall Magazine -Institute Level
  3. Srujan-Mechanical Engineering Department
  4. Reflection-Information Technology Department
  5. Nirman-Civil Engineering Department
  6. Horizon- E&TC Department
  7. Tree Plantation- Environmental awareness
  8. Rainbows-Engineering Sciences

We have Professional Body Chapters for students under which different activities are conducted. Few of the Professional Body Chapters are listed below

  1. IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  2. ISTE-Indian Society for Technical Education
  3. ACM- Association for Computing Machinery
  4. IEI-Institution of Engineers, India
  5. CSI-Computer Society of India
  6. ICI
  7. IGS
  8. ISHRAE- Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
  9. ISME
  10. SAE- Society of Automotive Engineers
  11. IETE- Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers

A national level technical event called “INNOVISION” is organized at the institute by the students every year.Annual social gathering is a long-awaited event and provides platform for the students to exhibit their talent and artistic skills. A full week is devoted for various indoor sports activities during annual social gathering called as “GANDHARVA”.

Rangbhumi is an amalgamation of the artistic elements comprising of acting, dance, music, skectching, painting and various related things. Hiphoppers are the college Dance Gladiators, Hiphoppers was formed by our students 12 years ago, a platform for those who considered dance as a serious form of art and intend to make a difference through dancing.

For us, our first priority is always students, so keeping this in mind we have formed different committee at college level for students to help them in their various problem

  1. Anti Ragging Committee
  2. Anti Ragging Committee
  3. Students Grievances & Redressal Committee
  4. Internal Complaint Committee
  5. Committee for SC/ ST
  6. Sexual Harassment Committee
  7. Student Council Committee
  8. Research and Development Committee
  9. Library Committee
  10. Hostel Committee
  11. Right to Information (RTI) Committee
  12. Sports Co-ordination Committee
  13. Canteen Co-ordination Committee
  1. Transport Co-ordination Committee
  2. Activity Club Co-ordination Committee
  3. Safety and securities
  4. News and Press Notes/Publicity Committee
  5. Discipline Committee
  6. Staff and student welfare committee
  7. NSS Activities Committee
  8. Professional Societies and Chapters Committee
  9. Alumni Association Co-ordination
  10. Mentoring /Counseling Committee
  11. Women Empowerment Cell
  12. Annual Technical Event Co-ordination (Innovision) Committee
  13. Annual Cultural and Sports (Gandharv) Co-ordination Committee
  14. Annual Magazine Committee