Deans, JSPMs Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering
The Dean (Planning and Development) at RSCOE is the designated leader responsible for formulating short-term and long-term plans, policies, procedures to operationalize various programmes, activities of the institutes and periodically reviews and monitors the performance of all the schemes and activities of the institute.
The Dean shall exercise the authority commensurate with the following responsibilities specifically vested in them by the authorities of the institute. It is understood that the Dean may delegate many duties described in this description to academic and administrative sections of the institute, but is ultimately responsible for the quality of their implementation. The recommendations of the Dean (Planning & Development) shall be placed before the JSPM Management for consideration and approval.
Authority And Responsibilities Of The Dean (Planning And Development)
- Planning the expansion and diversification of institutional activities and preparation of all developmental proposals, to the extent up to submission of plan and estimates related to such planning activities.
- Maintenance of all necessary statistical data regarding plan & projects required for compilation of various reports periodically required to be sent to Government authorities and other agencies.
- Formulating proposal for new courses and in organizing meetings of faculty members and external experts for this purpose in this regard.
- Taking the strategic initiatives to achieve short term and long term goals of the institute.
- To arrange, coordinate with Director to conduct meeting of Governing Body, Academic Council, BoS, IQAC and other authorities of the institutes. He will also maintain the minutes along with action taking report on the minutes of such meeting.
- To prepare the proposal and co-ordinate with academic departments for preparing and executing the proposals for accreditation process by various agencies along with maintaining statistical data of such processes.
- Prepare suitable action plan for publicity and media interaction for reaching to the society.
- Any other responsibilities as may be assigned by the director from time to time.

Dr. P. B. Kumbharkar
ME, PhD (Computer Engineering)
Professor in Computer Engineering
Dean, Planning And Development
The Dean of academics at RSCOE is the designated leader and academician responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the institute within the policies, directions and plans. The Dean is expected to establish and maintain a collegial work climate, cooperatively leading the academic unit towards improved productivity and relevancy, ensuring the academic integrity and curricular coherence of all programs embraced within it. The Dean shall exercise the authority commensurate with the following responsibilities specifically vested in them by the authorities of the institute. It is understood that the Dean may delegate many duties described in this description to Department HODs, Program coordinators or assistant/associate deans, Department Academic Coordinator (DAC) and any other faculty but is ultimately responsible for the quality of their implementation.
Authority And Responsibilities Of The Dean (ACADEMICS)
- To provide overall leadership, direction, advocacy, communication, coordination, and assessment of the academics as a whole, and of the sub-units (departments and/or programs) within it.
- To finalize of academic calendar, time-table, registration of students for course work and examinations, academic infrastructure requirements.
- To formulate processes and maintain updated academic records of all categories of students.
- To publish syllabi time to time after revision.
- To plan and organizing meeting of all the Institute level academic bodies in consultation with Dean (Planning and Development).
- To frame rules for Academic certificates, medals and prizes to the students.
- To plan and co-ordinate for the conduct of Convocation.
- To co-ordinate Faculty Induction Program and Quality Improvement Programmes.
- To carry out Academic Audit, prepare action plan based on the audit and suggest suitable action in relation to continuous improvement.
- To plan suitable mechanism for feedback collection from stakeholders, analysis and corrective action.
- To suggest the any other suitable steps from time to time to strive for the high academic standards.
- Any other responsibilities as may be assigned by the director from time to time.

Dr. Ram B. Joshi
Professor (Information Technology)
Dean, Academics
In a world increasingly propelled by technology, research is the foundation of any nation's economic growth and at RSCOE we are committed to the basic long-term research in frontier areas. The Dean (Research and Development) at RSCOE is the designated leader responsible for research activities in the institute and periodically reviews and monitors the performance of all the student’s and faculty’s research projects/activities carried in thrust areas of science and engineering at the institute. The institute has research centre of Savitribai Phule Pune University and collaborations with many national and international universities, IITs, NITs and industries in order to keep pace with expanding frontiers of knowledge and global developments. Activities of research centre, MoUs, research funding proposals and industrial interactions of the institute shall be managed by the Dean (Research and Development). The Dean shall exercise the authority commensurate with the following responsibilities specifically vested in them by the authorities of the institute.
Authority And Responsibilities Of The Dean (Research And Development)
- Provides strategic leadership in developing and refining the institute’s research mission and activities towards meeting current and future needs.
- Assists faculty to form successful collaborative research groups that integrate and support individual, community-based and team-based programs of research.
- Builds strong intra and inter professional relationship that enhance new and existing research linkages, including between research and teaching faculty, research faculty and community engaged research enterprises and local national and international researchers.
- Frames rules for industry sponsored research and consultancy.
- Monitors the activities of Research Centre, creates and maintains database regarding research, publication, patents funding and consultancy.
- Provide guidance for submitting proposals to funding agencies such as Department of Science and Technology (DST), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Aeronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB), Ministry of Information Technology, etc.
- Chair the committee meetings of the evaluation of papers submitted or to be submitted to the conferences/seminar by the faculty members.
- Co-ordinate Innovation Cell and Entrepreneurship Development (ED)/Startup activities.
- Carryout complete process required for Patent filing of faculty and students.
- Any other responsibilities as may be assigned by the director from time to time.

Dr. Shaileja C. Patil
ME, PhD (Electronics & Telecommunications)
Professor in Electronics & Telecommunications
Dean, Research & Development
The Dean of administration at RSCOE is the designated leader responsible for the effective and efficient administrative functioning of the institute within the policies, directions and plans. The Dean is expected to establish and maintain a collegial work climate, cooperatively leading the administrative unit towards improved productivity and relevancy, ensuring the integrity and curricular coherence of all sections embraced within it. The Dean shall exercise the authority commensurate with the following responsibilities specifically vested in them by the authorities of the institute. It is understood that the Dean may delegate many duties described in this description to administrative office, student section employees but is ultimately responsible for the quality of their implementation. Dean Administration of RSCOE will assist and inform the Director in all matters of administrative concern, and to be responsible for special administrative tasks assigned.
Authority And Responsibilities Of The Dean (Administration)
- To comply with various authorities like DTE, AICTE, and UGC related with permissions, new applications, continuation of applications, and Fees Regulating Authority (FRA) and keeping track of websites these authorities regularly and take necessary action as per requirement.
- To coordinate and maintain office discipline and work ethos among various administrative sections of the institute like Accounts Section, Student Section and Establishment section for their smooth functioning and record keeping.
- To conduct meetings of grievance redressal committee, action taken report of statutory Committees like SC-ST Committee, anti-ragging committee and complaint committee.
- To prepare college budgeting and purchase procedure as per guidelines of various authorities.
- To maintain discipline in the hostel, quality of food in canteen and ensuring overall hygiene.
- Any other responsibilities as may be assigned by the director from time to time.

Dr. Sunil G. Kandalkar
Msc, PhD (Physics)
Professor in Physics
Dean, Administration
The Dean (Student Relations) at RSCOE is the designated leader responsible for Organizing and managing all matters related to students’ conduct, discipline and welfare. He will also coordinate for carrying out various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities carried out by various students’ cells/sections/clubs formed at department and institute level. He will be encouraging a culture among the students which intern inculcate leadership qualities, respect for diversity and the traditions of the institute.
The Dean shall exercise the authority commensurate with the following responsibilities specifically vested in them by the authorities of the institute. It is understood that the Dean may delegate many duties described in this description to academic and administrative sections of the institute or committees, but is ultimately responsible for the quality of their implementation.
Authority And Responsibilities Of The Dean (STUDENT RELATIONS)
- To ensure that, maintain cordial relations among the various student groups and the student body as a whole, to ensure that they obtain maximum benefit from their institute/University experience.
- To co-ordinate the publication of student’s Magazines, News Bulletins, News letter etc.
- To resolve the Matters related to student’s discipline, Grievances and welfare. Conduct enquiries of students indulged in indiscipline or reported any grievance by carrying out meeting of concerned committee.
- To co-ordinate and organize the student’s counseling.
- To formulate the resolution of conflict between students at hostels of residence as well as conflicts involving students outside the college and hostels.
- To co-ordinate the “Aviskhar” (university level research activities), Club activities, activities of professional chapters, annual technical event (Innovision ),NSS, Sports, Cultural and Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities of the students.
- To co-ordinate the activities of Quality improvement programme, Workshop, conferences for the students organized by College/department.
- To co-ordinate the “Earn & Learns Scheme” with college Students Welfare Officer.
- To ensure Correspondence with parents/Guardians of students about their progress and individual problems/Welfare.
- To co-ordinate the activities conducted by external agency at University/ State/ National and International level with department Co-coordinator.
- Any other responsibilities as may be assigned by the director from time to time.
Following institute level committees will be co-ordinated by Dean (STUDENT RELATIONS)
- Students Grievances & Redressal Committee
- Student Council Committee
- Sports Co-ordination Committee
- Activity Clubs Co-ordination Committee
- Staff and student welfare committee
- NSS Activities Committee
- Annual Technical Event Co-ordination (Innovision), Annual Cultural and Sports (Gandharv) Co-ordination Committee.
- Annual Magazine Committee

Dr. R. A. Dubal
Dean, Student Affairs
The Dean (Students Progression and Industry Relations) at RSCOE is the designated leader responsible for Organizing and managing all matters related to placement, training, higher studies and industry relations. The Dean (Students Progression and Industry Relations) primarily provides career guidance and also liaisons between Industry and the Institute to bridge the gap between Industries & Institute, to foster effective interaction to impart meaningful education and to promote industrial consultancy & entrepreneurship.
RSCOE has emerged as a favored destination for many national and international organizations to recruit fresh talent nurtured at the institute. The Training & Placement Cell is dedicated to motivate and help the student community towards their campus placements and industrial training. The training is inculcated in all students, right from the beginning of their program till they are ready for the hiring process. The cell strengthens students with skills that are core to success in the corporate world such as communication, professionalism, attitude, flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity, relationship etc... At RSCOE, we are passionate about grooming leaders who are not only thorough professionals but also good human beings with Culture, Values and Ethics.
The Dean shall exercise the authority commensurate with the following responsibilities specifically vested in them by the authorities of the institute. It is understood that the Dean may delegate many duties described in this description to academic and administrative sections of the institute or committees, but is ultimately responsible for the quality of their implementation.
- To give industrial exposure to faculty members and students, thus enabling them to tune their knowledge to cope with the industrial culture.
- To assist the Departments in organizing workshops, conferences and symposia with joint participation of the industries.
- Encouraging Engineers from industries to visit institution to deliver lectures and organize in-plant training for the students.
- Participation of experts from industries, in curriculum development.
- To encourage faculty members to use their expertise in solving the problems faced by the industries, thus creating opportunity for consultancy.
- To assist the departments in establishing rapport with industries for taking up projects and ‘Centre for Excellence’.
- MoUs between the institute and industries to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer.
- Create awareness about ‘career planning’ and ‘career mapping’ among the students and equip the student with life skills and ‘Personality Development’
- Sensitize the department and students about the importance of foreign languages and various internship opportunities.
- Organize various training programmes to train the students in the areas of Quantitative Aptitude, Logical and verbal reasoning through the reputed external training organizations and in house trainers.
- To strengthen Alumni relations, including maintenance of all relevant details of pass out students and alumni association.
- To arrange entrepreneurship camps, motivate the students for self employment and to arrange programmes for guidance and counseling of the students regarding various sources of finance, men and material for self-employment in association with entrepreneurship development cell of RSCOE.
- Provides guidance to students appearing for the competitive examinations and encourage students for Higher studies in National and International universities in association with International Relation Cell of RSCOE.
- Any other responsibilities as may be assigned by the director from time to time.
Following institute level committees will be co-ordinated by Dean (Student Progression and Industry Relations)
- Mentoring /Counseling Committee ii) Entrepreneurship Development (ED) Cell
- Alumni Association Co-ordination

Prof. Santosh P. Borde
MTech (IT), PhD (Computer Engineering)
Professor in Computer Engineering
Dean, Industry Relations & Student Progression
DEAN (International Relations)
As globalization has become the focal point of higher education, competition has become a central preoccupation. Combined with the impact of globalization and the development of the global “knowledge economy”, these competitive forces have resulted in the global competition phenomenon that is currently reshaping higher education. In view of this,RSCOE has set up Center for higher academics and international relations (CHAIR) to boost global exposure for students.
As a Dean International Relations, he/she is involved in developing and implementing RSCOE’s international strategic plan, identifying and managing strategic partnerships. His/Her responsibilities include: developing outreach goals and managing institutional and educational outreach. He/She also looks after alumni activities and their engagement with the institute in association with Dean student progression and industry relations.
The Dean shall exercise the authority commensurate with the following responsibilities specifically vested in them by the authorities of the institute. It is understood that the Dean may delegate many duties described in this description to academic sections of the institute or committees, but is ultimately responsible for the quality of their implementation.
Authority And Responsibilities Of The Dean (International Relations)
- Leading the development of Institute’s strategic international agenda through development of new initiatives and strategic partnerships.
- To oversee and coordinate all international activities.
- To promote relationships between foreign universities/institutions with RSCOE, and define the scope of such relationships through appropriate Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs). This involves, interfacing with the appropriate authorities at the collaborating institutions on all matters defined in the scope of the MoUs, establishing and fostering linkages between researchers and experts in various areas, creating awareness about all such MoUs amongst the departments and students of RSCOE to ensure their full participation in envisaged programmes, etc.
- To promote exchange programmes for students through Student Exchange Agreements with partner institutions/universities . Students are encouraged to participate in course work and/or research work in partner institutions thus giving them international exposure and the opportunity to imbibe and learn from global work cultures.
- To interface with other internal entities to facilitate the visits of delegations and students coming to RSCOE and provide guidance and services to international faculty/students and also to RSCOE students and faculty travelling abroad.
- To co-ordinate with Dean (Academic) and Dean (Students Affairs) in deciding policy matters affecting both outbound and inbound students participating in Exchange programmes.
- To interface with the Ministry of Human Resources Development, External Affairs, Home Affairs of Government of India and State Government Offices on all matters pertaining to internationalization efforts of RSCOE.
- To interface with embassies and consulates of various countries to increase educational and cultural linkages between organizations in the foreign countries and the Institute.
- To arrange and administer foreign language courses for students and staff of RSCOE.
- To facilitate and promote the internationalization of RSCOE by setting up academic ventures in collaboration with global institutions and facilitate newer models of collaborations.
- To partner with other Universities in India to enhance collaborative research.
- Any other responsibilities as may be assigned by the director from time to time.

Dr. Binod Kumar
M.Phil(Computer Sc.),
PhD(Computer Sc.)
Dean, International Relations
Controller of Examination (COE) means the Authority of the College who is responsible for all activities related with examination process. In the absence of the COE/ ACOE(s), his duties shall be performed by any officer or teacher of the college as assigned by the director.The COE shall exercise the authority commensurate with the following responsibilities specifically vested in them by the authorities of the institute.
Authority And Responsibilities Of The Controller Of Examinations (COE)
Subject to prior approval of the Director, the Controller of Examinations shall perform the following duties and responsibilities namely:-
- To prepare examination schedule and implement the same in consultation with Dean (Academics).
- To appoint examiners and moderators as prescribed in the rules & regulations.
- To arrange for printing of question papers and answer books and their safe custody.
- To arrange evaluation work and to process the results .
- To arrange for timely declaration and publication of result and to refer, if, deem necessary any matter before the examination committee prior to declaration of results .
- To postpone or cancel examination in part or in whole, in the event where such need arises.
- To ensure confidentiality and to make assessment/ improvement in the process of the college examination/ evaluation.
- To finalize the mode of examination for different courses in consultation with concerned authorities.
- To appoint external agency(s)/ observer(s) for conducting and monitoring the examinations.
- To appoint external agency(s)/ evaluator(s) for evaluation of examination.
- To submit report regarding examination(s) to the director.
- To frame financial norms for examination related matters.

Dr.Bhagavat D. Jadhav
BE( Electronics )
M. Tech. (Electronics),
Controller of Examinations
DEAN (Internal Quality Assurance Cell-IQAC )
The Dean IQAC at RSCOE is the designated leader responsible for Academic, Research, Administrative Monitoring and Quality assurance of the organization for holistic development of the students, faculty and staff at various levels under the guidance of Director and management. He will coordinate for various accreditation activities of the organization as per requirements.
Dean-IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for:
Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative
and financial tasks. The relevance and quality of academic and research
programmes. Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and
learning. The credibility of evaluation procedures. Ensuring the adequacy,
maintenance and functioning of the support structure and services. Arrangement
for Audits, feedback from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-
related institutional processes.
∙Coordinate to document the various accreditation activities leading to quality
improvement in form of NBA, NAAC, NIRF etc.
∙Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related
activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
∙Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the
purpose of maintaining/enhancing the institutional quality.
∙Motivate and develop Quality Culture in the institution at all levels.
∙Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines
and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.

Dr Rachayya Arakerimath
M.E, PhD-Mechanical
Professor & Dean-IQAC.