As a part of the curriculum, a final year student has to carry out one full year project work to address some specific problem related to field and provide the model solution to it by applying the knowledge gained in three years of graduate studies. Project work is carried out by a group of 3 to 4 students under the guidance of faculty member with his/her optimum support. The project work is implemented in stages across two semesters and its flow and implementation phases are depicted in the figure below.

Project Structure
The final year Project is a compulsory component of all degree Students. It provides an opportunity for students to integrate knowledge and different types of skills and competencies gained in their studies throughout their previous semesters and to develop critical thinking. It is carried out as an independent work which is evaluated according to the highest academic standards. The project should be completed within a period of two semesters, full-time and carries a total of 14 credits.
The Details project work is divided in two semesters as follows:

Course Outcomes:
After the successful completion of this course, the student is expected to have/be able to:
- Convert an open-ended problem statement into a statement of proposed work.
- Decompose problems/task into sub-tasks and establish a methodology and process by which progress may be evaluated.
- Select and apply appropriate methods/models, or mathematical simulations of the real world and analyses the data to provide information for decisions.
- Perform feasibility analysis and evaluate quality of solutions to select the best one.
- Produce usable documents of record regarding the design process.
- Collaborate with team members to achieve a common goal and to develop skills which recognizes and resolves ethical issues while working.
Project Structure
Based upon the functional area of the projects, the categorization of the projects is done as follows:
- Application oriented
- Algorithm Oriented
- Product
- Social Concerned
- Review Based
- Research Oriented
Figures below depict the area wise distribution of Projects for years 2021-22, 2020-21 and 2019-20.