List of Laboratories
Microcontroller and Embedded Lab

Lab is engaged with Embedded Processor practical's for third year students, soft skill practical's for second year in first semester and Data structure and algorithms for second year students, Microcontroller practical's for third year in second semester. Lab manuals are available for different practical's conducted in this laboratory as well as reference manual of students.Total cost of the lab is Rs 24,04,553 which have major equipment of online UPS. Total area of the laboratory is 67sq.m.
Features: Total computers are 20. Computers are installed with different software like keil, mp3, ride turbo Linux. Internet facility is available for the students for online studies, self study after college timing.
Utilization: Online exam for different competitive exams, GATE, JEEE exams are conducted in this lab. This lab is also utilized for self-learning by students during free slot of lab. Workshops are conducted in this lab like workshop on Latex, IOT.
Area of Practical: Microcontroller and Microprocessor, System Programming & Operating System
Lab Incharge: Prof. S.P.Patnaik
Electronics Design and Software Tools Lab

Lab is engaged with EDC , Computer Network & Integrated circuits practical's for second year and Final year students . Lab manuals are available for different practical's conducted in this laboratory as well as reference manual of students. Total cost of Lab is 7,23,121/- Total Area of Laboratory is 67 Sq/Mtr.
Features: The laboratory is equipped with power supplies, function generators, CROs, digital storage oscilloscopes, multimeters, logic analyzer and trainer kits of mobile communication.
Utilization: Students develop competency in measurement science using advanced instruments. This lab is also utilized for self-learning by students during free slot of lab.
Area of Practical: Electronic measuring instruments and techniques, Mobile communication
Lab Incharge: Mrs. B. R. Thawali
Measurement & Power Electronics Lab

In the Power Electronics Lab students can perform the experiment related to the subject & do the project related work. Lab is engaged with Measurement & Power electronics practicals for second and third year students. We Provides electronic modules to carry out experiments. Lab manuals are available for different practicals conducted in this laboratory as well as reference manual of students. Total cost of Lab is RS. 16,00,628/- Total Area of Laboratory is 70.85 Sq/Mtr.
Features: Students can perform the experiments based on study of gate drive circuits of IGBT, single phase half controlled and full controlled converters, three phase full controlled converters, single phase ac voltage regulators and DCDC converters. Students can perform the experiment in a group of 3 members. Major Equipment of Lab is 3.4 GHz Universal Frequency counter & Dual Scope CRO.
Utilization: study of gate drive circuits of IGBT, single phase half controlled and full controlled converters, three phase full controlled converters, single phase ac voltage regulators and DCDC converters.
Area of Practical: Power elctronics and Measurement
Lab Incharge: Mrs.S.P.Vibhute

Lab is engaged with VLSI, SPOS, ESD, DIP practicals for SE, TE and BE students. Total cost of lab is Rs. 10,99,150/- and total area of lab is sq./mtr.Lab Fully supported by Internet facility speed upto 100 Mbps. Lab Contains Following Software's Code Block for OOP's, VM Virtual Box for SPOS, TCAD Software for VLSI, MATLAB for DSP
Features: Lab supported by software MATLAB. It benefits Students for advanced concepts from Digital Image Processing.Lab supported by software Keil & Flash Magic Debugger with Virtual Box & tera Terminal. It enable Students for learning Embedded Projects on their own. Lab supported by software Proteus 8 Professional. It benefits Students for learning Designing, Simulation of Electronic Circuits.
Utilization: After 3.30 pm students use internet facility for extra curricular Activities. For example: online Aptitude tests, NPTEL courses etc. Workshops are conducted in this lab like workshop on Latex, IOT.
Area of Practical: VLSI, SPOS, ESD, DIP Practicals
Lab Incharge: Prof. L. S. More
Microwave & Antenna Lab

Lab is engaged with Broadband Communication System, Wave Theory Antenna and Microwave Engineering for third year and final year students. Total cost of lab is Rs. 16,38,158/- and total area of lab is 78sq./mtr.
Features: Microwave laboratory supports UG laboratory facilities in the field of Microwave and Antenna courses. Major equipment's in the lab include Microwave Test Bench, Antenna Kit etc.
Utilization: PG projects on the design, theory, and prototyping of antennas, filters and other RF components. The laboratory includes facilities of the real time experimental setup of Microwave Engineering, Broadband Communication System and antenna simulation.
Area of Practical: Broadband Communication System, Wave Theory Antenna and Microwave Engineering
Lab Incharge: Dr. S. A. Bhisikar
Communication Lab

Lab is engaged with Analog communication, Digital communication and BCS practicals for second and third year students. Total cost of lab is Rs. 42,78,759/- and toatl area of lab is 78 sq./mtr
Features: Communication lab supports UG / PG laboratory facilities in the filed of communication filed. Internet facility is available in this lab.
Utilization: After 3.30 pm students use internet facility for extra curricular Activities. For example: online Aptitude tests, NPTEL courses etc.
Area of Practical: Analog and Digital communication Practicals also BCS realted practicals
Lab Incharge: Prof. R. A. Rarhod
Project Lab

Museum is a building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic or cultural interest are stored and exhibited. Total cost of Lab is RS. Rs. 11,66,704.7/- Total Area of Laboratory is 65 Sq/Mtr. Each section of the museum is designed with a specific focus and audience in mind. The first section of the museum has a focus on basic electronic components, their types and symbols. The second section of the museum is meant to represent different semiconductor devices following with basic PCB designing types in fourth section. The fifth section represents computer and its part and last section represents the development in communication with all aspects.
Features: Supporting hardware and software is available in the lab such as PCB design machine, simulation software, soldering gun, bread boards and others. Students make use of available systems for conducting their in-house projects.Same way project lab is used as museum for exhibition of electronics era from its beginning.
Utilization: projects at third year and final year level are conducted in the lab throughout the year.
Area of Practical: PCB design machine, simulation software, soldering gun, bread boards and others. Students make use of available systems for conducting their in-house projects.
Lab Incharge: Dr. S. D. Kale
Research Lab

Description: Research Laboratory has been set in the department to develop a research and stimulate an environment that supports research, innovation and creativity among the students. The main purpose of the research laboratory is to facilitate the support for on-going research. Research Laboratory has various modern equipment and facilities of departmental labs as per the requirement of project.
List of Software tools for Research laboratory: 1. MATLAB 2. Python
Note: Access to reputed online journals. Access to IIT Kharagpur digital library (e- books), NPTEL Videos, Swayam, Shodhganga.
Features: Wi-Fi facility, internet with high bandwidth.
Plagiarism: Turnitin
Utilization: Projects at third year and final year level are conducted in the lab throughout the year.
Area of Practical: PCB design machine, simulation software, soldering gun, bread boards and others. Students make use of available systems for conducting their in-house projects.
Lab Incharge: Mrs. S. A. Sonawane
Electronics Devices and Circuit Lab

Description: The objective of EDC laboratory is to understand the concepts, working and characteristics of Diodes, BJT, FET and OP-AMP and their applications. Second year E&TC students perform the experiments of Electronic devices & circuits, Computer Networks and Integrated Circuits subject. Students can verify the results of experiments with simulation results also. Computers are available with various software installed on it such as Multisim, Matlab etc.
Total cost of Lab: Rs. 7,23,121/-
Features: The lab contains CRO, Function generator, multi-meters etc. Also practicals of first year and Second year are to be conducted in this lab
Utilization : Projects at third year and final year level are conducted in the lab throughout the year.
Area of Practical : PCB design machine, simulation software, soldering gun, bread boards and others. Students make use of available systems for conducting their in-house projects.
Lab Incharge : Dr. Mrs. C. V. Rane
Digital Electronics Lab

Description: In the Digital Electronics Lab, students can perform the experiment related to the subject & do the project related work. Major Equipment of Lab includes Digital trainer kit, LED TV Trainer & LCD TV Trainer.
Total cost of Lab: Rs. 7,80,547/-
Total Area of Laboratory: 67 Sq/Mtr
Features: Equipments in the lab includes oscilloscopes, signal generators, millimeters, PA SYSTEM, Digital TV Trainer kit. Students can perform the experiments based on study of 4-Bit, 8- Bit Comparator, Multiplexer as well as De-multiplexer. Also beyond syllabus kits available like seven segment display, multiplexed seven segment display.
Utilization : Practicals of digital electronics are conducted on trainer kit as well as EDA tool Xilinx. This lab is also utilized for self-learning by students during free slot of lab.
Area of Practical : Digital system Design
Lab Incharge : Dr. Mrs. S. A. Paithane