Research Grants

Reaseach Funding

Sr. No Title of the Research Project Name of Faculty Ref. No Name of Funding Agency Amount in Rs Duration
1 A Technological hub for production of Eco-friendly and Economical products to improve the socio economic status of SC in Osmanabad Block PI-Dr S. C. Patil, E&TC Engg.,
CO-PI-Dr R K Jain-Civil Engg.,
Dr D T Mane- Comp. Engg.
DST/SEED/SCST/STI/2020/438 Date Feb. 2022 DST Rs.2,73,13,429/- A.Y. 2022-2025
2 Modernization of existing Self Learning Laboratory with parallel computing Dr. Seema Kedar Comp. Engg. F.No.9-274/RIFD/MOD/POLICY1/2018-19 Date 29.11.2019 MODROB AICTE New Delhi Rs.10,00,000/- A.Y. 2020-2022
3 Seismic earth pressure on retaining valve Dr. Raj Dubbal ,
Dr. Raviraj Sorate Civil Engg.
Ref. AICTE/MODROB/POLICY-1/2017-18 MODROB AICTE New Delhi Rs.12,78,000/- 2019-2021
4 Intrinsic Behavior of Coconut Wood – PLA Composite Filament for Additive Manufacturing Dr A. M. Badadhe Mech. Engg. Sanction Year-2021-22 UMP.05/26.14/1/1/3/UIC211506 Date : 25th August 2021 Research & Innovation Department of University Malaysia Pahang Rs.2,70,215/- September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2024 (36 months)
5 Establishment of Photo voltaic thermal collector with phase change material to investigate its performance Dr A. M. Badadhe Mech. Engg. Sanction No. F NO.9-221/IDC.MODROB/POOLICY01/2019-20 Date 20.07.2020. MODROB AICTE New Delhi Rs.9,69,953 02 years (2019-2021)
6 RPS – Research Promotion Scheme Development of Fiber-Glass Composites using Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding (VARTM) with Interlaminar Nanofibers produced by Electrospinning. Testing the With and Without Nano-Layered FG composites Dr J. A. Hole Mech. Engg. F. No. B-21s/RIFD/RPS (Policy -7) / 2008-19 Date 20 March 2020 RPS-AICTE New Delhi Rs. 10,00,000 03 Years (2019-22)
7 Development of CFD based model and real time model for single and multi-strand tundish for composition, inclusion and superheat control during continuous casting of steel Prof R. S. Sundge Mech. Engg. SPPU /2019-20/1046/22 date 12/10/2019 SPPU Pune Rs. 2,90,000 02 years (2019-2021)

Grants Received for FDP/STTP

Sr. No Title of the Research Project Name of Faculty Ref. No Name of Funding Agency Amount in Rs
1 Two week FDP on Artificial Intelligence and it's applications in Biomedical Engineering" Dr. Swati Bhishikar, E&TC Engg. F.No 34-67/38/FDC/FDP/P-1/2019-20 date 30.07.2020 AICTE New Delhi Rs.5,21,667/-
2 STTP- Challenges and opportunity in smart city implementation in IoT Era Dr. S. C. Patil,
Dr S. N. Badoria,
E &Tc Engg.
Ref. No. 34-65/251/RIFD/STTP/POLICY1/2018-19 AICTE New Delhi Rs.3,00,000/-
3 FDP- Recent trends in IoT Dr. S.C.Patil
E& Tc Engg.
File No 6-79/RIFD/FDP/POLICY1/2016-17, Date 06 .06.2017 AICTE New Delhi Rs.6,55,000/-
4 Research Methodology and data analysis Dr. Seema Kedar Comp. Engg. ISTE/AICTE-ISTE FDP-1-3515216631/2018-19 Date 11 March 2020 Induction/Refresher program under AICTE ISTE Rs. 3,00,000/-
5 AI Diving in IoT and Computer Vision Dr. Vinod kumar Ref.F. No.-202000462 AICTE New Delhi Rs.81000
6 STTP on Applications of Nanotechnology Dr. Sunil Kandalkar Engg. Science Ref. No 34-66/474/FDC/STTP/POLICY1/2019-20 AICTE New Delhi Rs. 3,21,600/-
7 Grant for organising Conference Dr Shailaja Patil F.No-67-25/IDC/GOC/Policy-2/2020-21 AICTE New Delhi Rs.4,00,000/-