Professional Bodies
Student Branches provide an opportunity for IEEE Student members to begin networking in their areas of interest and future profession. There are over 2,000 Student Branches in over 100 countries, globally. IEEE Student Branch has access to funding that helps the group organize events and help individuals to have access to scholarships and awards.
Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Swati A. Bhisikar
Faculty Counseller: Dr. Shaileja C. Patil

The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. Major Benefits of becoming an ISTE Member is that they are joining an academic fraternity of over 1,24,000 strong professionals and eligible to participate in Chapter, Section and National Level Conferences, Workshops and other activities of their academic interest etc.
Faculty Coordinator : Dr. A. V. Vedalankar

IETE is India's leading recognized professional society devoted to: Advancement of Science Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT. To plan and organize technical programes and activities, such as, special lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, exhibitions etc for the benefit of student members on a regular basis. To provide a common platform for the student members to exchange ideas and information on the topics of their interest e.g. curriculum, employment / higher educational opportunities, emerging trends, new development etc; To facilitate technical visits / practical training / project work / employment, of the student members in R&D laboratories, industries, academic institutions etc; To encourage team work and the spirit of self-reliance among the student members; To serve as a focal point at the institution on all aspects of professional development of the student members.
Faculty Coordinator : Mrs.Kale Swati D.

Engineering Colleges/ Polytechnics may establish Students' Chapter of IEI with at least fifty students pursuing engineering in the same branch of a College/University/Institution and be a part of the IEI fraternity.
Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Mrs.Rane Charushila V.