Expert Talk on Competitive Exam Guidance

Report on Expert Talk "Competitive Exam Guidance"

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Jayawant Library, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering had organized a Expert Talk on Competitive Examinations like CAT and other Management Exams for Third Year Mechanical Engineering Students. The name of Resource person was Mr Arun Sharma. He is a Post Graduate from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. He is a nationally renowned trainer for CAT aspirants. . He has trained corporate houses and CAT aspirants since 1996 and has personally trained tens of thousands of students into the top IIMs and other top B Schools. Besides, he holds the unique distinction of clearing the CAT 21 times in a row, with several scores ranging between 99.93 to 99.99 percentile.
The session started with felicitation of Arun Sharma by Dr N S Mujumdar, and Dr S P Gudi. Dr S N Khan HOD Mechanical gave welcome speech and requested students take benefit of the session. Rachayya R Arakerimath, Dean IQAC also graced the session.
He also explained and interacted with students about how easily they can attempt aptitude questions. Dr Arun Sharma inculcated confidence among students how they can achieve 99.99 percentile by attempting and solving few Questions He also mentioned in his guidance as students need to study with dedication and with proper planning to crack the Competitive Examination. He communicated as solving Aptitude Questions regularly will help the students during their Placement. This Expert Talk was informative for students.
