LMS & OPAC Portal

Department wise Break-up of Books, Titles and Journals:
Sr. No Courses Number of Titles of the Books Number of Volumes Journals
Print Journals
Sr.No Courses Number of Titles of the Books Number of Volume
1 Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 1114 6166 6
2 Computer Science & Information Technology 2469 9579 12
3 Mechanical Engg. & Automation and robotics 982 4869 12
4 Civil Engg 746 3691 6
5 Engineering Science 498 2718 5
6 Electrical Engineering 115 595 6
7 Computer Science and Business Systems (CSBS) 78 225 6
8 MBA 1424 5526 6
9 MCA 909 5177 6
10 M.E. Design & M.E. HPE 329 1007 6
11 M.E. Computer Science and Engineering 313 789 6
12 M.E. Civil Structures 127 485 6
13 M.E. VLSI & M.E. E&TC Digital System 371 1182 6
14 Polytechnic Electronics and Telecommunication 145 730 3
15 Polytechnic Mechanical Engg 108 904 4
16 Polytechnic Civil Engineering 121 696 3
17 Polytechnic Computer Engineering 158 801 3
18 Research Center -- -- 5
Total 10007 45140 107