Circulation/Book Lending
All the available books are classified according to Dewey decimal classification system and are enabled with bar-coded circulation services. The library is taking constant efforts to provide relevant resources to its users in different formats. UG and Polytechnic students can issue three books for ten days. PG students in engineering can issue five books for fifteen days. and same books can be reissued if there is no demand for the same books from other students and faculty members. Faculty members can issue ten books for a semester period.
Borrowing Privileges
Category of Membership | Number of Books | Loan Period | Late Fee Structure | Renewal Policy |
UG Students | 03 | 10 Days | Re 1/- Per day for all category members for late return of books. |
Students can renew the books consecutively two time either physically visiting library or on OPAC portal if there is no demand for same books from other students and faculty members. |
UG StudentsBook Bank | 04 | One Semester | ||
PG Students | 05 | 15 Days | ||
Faculty members | 10 | One semester | ||
Non Teaching staff | 02 | 15 Days |
Book Bank
Book Bank Institute library issue One set of books related to each to students among group of two for entire span of semester period. Students will return the books after completion their semester examination.

Library Membership
Every year newly joined students data will be received from respective department and the same will be uploaded on library software to enable the students to get library membership. and faculty members require to fill the membership form to avail library facilities. They will be issued library barcode enabled Identity card which they can use to borrow library resources. Database has been maintained in AutoLib software for all students and faculty members.

External Library Membership Service
Institute Library availed membership and maintain good relation with external Libraries including Automotive Research Association of India Pune Knowledge Center, IIT Mumbai Central Library and DELNET organization to access the resources available with respective libraries.The library users can visit the libraries and refer soft/hard copies of resources of IIT Mumbai and ARAI Knowledge center and DELNET online resources.

Online catalogue(OPAC)
Bibliographical details of all the books has been maintained in AutoLib software and students and faculty members can search the required books title-wise, author-wise, and subject-wise.
Reference Service
Library will forward Open access resources details and links to inquired resources to students and faculty members. Library staff members assist students to access books of required subjects. The media links have been provided on OPAC page of library software.
Library Services on Social Media

Social media enable library staff to share content in social networking. Library is taking efforts to introduce the its services using social media as a platform for knowledge sharing and information communication and dissemination in order to modernise the services in this digital era. Library uses Telegram, Whats App and E Mail to promote Library Services and Resources. Medias will be used to inform New Arrivals, updating different login details for online resources procured, Forwarding Images of book covers to aware about subject-wise books accessibility in Library etc. QR Code created for different portals of online resources and displayed in different locations of library premises to enable the users to get quick access to procured resources.