Central Library
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Central Library
The Institute Library named as Jayawant Library with due respect to Respected Jayawant sawant father of Honorable Founder Secretary of JSPM Dr. Prof. Tanaji Jayawant Sawant. It was named in 2010 when Library moved in new A1 Building with new infrastructure.
Jayawant Library is enhancing its resources both in print and digital formats. It provides a good ambience to students and staff for study. Its collection comprises with a large collection of books, journals, educational DVDs and CDs for all courses offered through RSCOE. It also provides its faculty and students a good ambience for study. The Library has separate reading area, reference section, digital library room, periodicals section etc. Its collection is about 45140 books, 107 Print Journals, 1 Lakh+ e-Books, 79000+ E-Journals, The library has subscribed e-journal and e- books databases like IEEE, ASME, ASCE, Science Direct,, J-Gate, Pro Quest, DELNET and N- List. The library uses social media like Telegram, WhatsApp and E Mail to communicate about updates and notifications of Library periodically. Library has taken renowned outside Library membership like, Automotive Research Association of India, Pune, and IIT Mumbai Central Library for providing resources which are available in respective Libraries. Open access is provided to all the members of the library. The reading materials have been classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC).
Library Spaces/Facilities

Right Side: Reading Hall Entrance View

Right side: Library Stack Room

Right side: Digital Library

Left side: Reference Section with Reading Hall

Left side: Reference Section with Reading Hall

Right side: Journals Section

Left side: Web OPAC Access Space

Left side: Web OPAC Access Space

Jayawant Library Guide Map

Right Side: Reading Hall

Right Side: Reading Hall

Right Side: Reading Hall

Right Side: Property Counter View

Right Side: Property Counter View

Left Side: Circulation Counter
Library Committee
Roles and responsibilities of Library Committee Members
- To interpret the needs of institute students and faculty members with regard to library resources and services.
- To assess the financial needs of library.
- To take collective decisions in procurement of library resources.
- To help the library staff for smooth functioning of library.
- To recommend the books, journals and other resources as per curriculam.
- To review the library policies framed by library staff and ensure about its suitability according to students needs.
JAYAWANT LIBRARY- Library Committee (LC) Members
Sr. No | Name Of The Member | Committee Designation |
1 | Dr. R. K. Jain | Principal |
2 | Prof A. S. Devasthali | Vice Principal |
3 | Prof P. B. Kumbharkar | HOD – Computer Engineering |
4 | Dr. S. C. Wagaj | HOD- Electronics & Telecomm. |
5 | Dr. RachayyaArakerimath | HOD – Mechanical Engineering |
6 | Dr. J. R Dhanuskar | HOD – Civil engineering |
7 | Dr. Nihar Ranjan | HOD – Information Technology |
8 | Dr. S. M. Yadav | HOD- Engineering Science |
9 | Dr. S.L Chavan | HOD- Electrical Engineering |
10 | Dr. Avinash M. Badadhe | HOD- Automation and robotics |
11 | Dr. K.P. Moholkar | HOD – Computer Science and Business System |
12 | Dr. Amey A.Chodhari | HOD – MBA |
13 | Dr. R. A. Dulloo | HOD – MCA |
14 | Dr. S.P.Gudi | Librarian |
Library Guide map
Library Guide Map
Sr. No | Left Side | Right Side |
1 | Library Stack Room | Main Reading Hall |
2 | Reference Section with Reading Hall | Digital Library |
3 | Circulation Counter | Journal Section |
4 | Web OPAC Space | PG Reading Hall |
5 | Property Counter | |
6 | Audio Visual Room |

General Library Rules
- Books are the property of College.
- Keep silence in the Reading Hall.
- Keep your bags in property counter
- Students and faculty members are members of library.
- UG and Polytechnic students can issue three books for ten days. PG students in engineering can issue five books for fifteen days.
- Books will be issued to Library card holders only.
- Books may be reissued if there is no claim on it
- Online Renewal facility is available on the Web OPAC.
- A fine of Re.1- per day and per book will be charged on expiry of return date.
- A fine of Rs. 25- per group of student will be collected after non -receiving of book sets after one week of semester examinations.
- Student has to get the copy of lost book.
- Only back issues of journals will be issued outside.
- Do not damage the book in any form
- No reference books will be issued.
- In case of loss of library card inform librarian immediately.
- Books issued need to be returned before proceeding for vacation.
- Students need to communicate if any change in contact details.
- Library clearance is must to terminate the membership
- Outside students and faculty need to take permission of the principal for using library.
- Management and principal reserves incidental right.
Library Staff

Dr. S. P. Gudi
Designation : Librarian
Qualification:PhD (Library and Information, Science). M Phil, MPM. DLL &LW

Mr. P. B. Nitnaware
Designation : Assistant Librarian

Mr. S. A. Sonawane
Designation : Assistant Librarian

Mr. K S. Dalvi
Designation : Clerk
Qualification:M.Com., GDC&A
Electronic Databases
Open Access Educational Resources
Electronic Databases
Sr. No | Databases comprising Journals, Books and other Resources | URL |
1 | DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) | http://doaj.org/ |
2 | OMICS Publishing Group: | https://www.omicsonline.org/ |
3 | Budapest Open Access Initiative | https://www.budapestopenacceorder-ssinit |
4 | Indian Academy of Sciences | https://www.ias.ac.in/ |
5 | NISCAIR Research Journals | http://www.niscair.res.in/ |
6 | Meduknow Publication | https://www.medknow.com/ |
7 | National Digital Library of Inda | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
8 | National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) | https://nptel.ac.in/ |
9 | ePG Pathashala | https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
10 | SWAYAM | https://swayam.gov.in/ |
11 | Swayam Prabha | https://www.swayamprabha.gov.in/ |
12 | Virtual Lab | https://www.vlab.co.in/ |
Print resources
Department-wise books, Titles and Volumes and Journals
Sr. No | Courses | Number of titles of the books | Number of Volumes | Print Journals |
1 | Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering | 1150 | 6564 | 11 |
2 | Computer Science &Engg./Information Technology | 2464 | 9533 | 18 |
3 | Mechanical Engg. | 986 | 5340 | 21 |
4 | Civil Engg. | 748 | 3961 | 11 |
5 | Engineering Science | 489 | 2685 | 4 |
6 | Electrical Engineering | 57 | 301 | 6 |
7 | MBA | 1428 | 5530 | 6 |
8 | MCA | 902 | 5167 | 6 |
10 | M.E. Design and M.E Heat Power | 329 | 1018 | 6 |
12 | M.E. Computer Science and Engineering | 313 | 790 | 5 |
13 | M.E. Civil Structures | 127 | 483 | 5 |
14 | M.E. VLSI and M.E. Digital Systems | 371 | 1184 | 6 |
15 | Polytechnic Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering | 145 | 730 | 3 |
16 | Polytechnic Mecahnical Engineering | 108 | 904 | 6 |
17 | Polytechnic Civil Engineering | 121 | 696 | 5 |
18 | Polytechnic Computer Engineering | 158 | 801 | 3 |
19 | Research Center | 6 | ||
Total | 9896 | 45687 | 128 |
Circulation/Book Lending
All the available books are classified according to Dewey decimal classification system and are enabled with bar-coded circulation services. The library is taking constant efforts to provide relevant resources to its users in different formats. UG and Polytechnic students can issue three books for ten days. PG students in engineering can issue five books for fifteen days. and same books can be reissued if there is no demand for the same books from other students and faculty members. Faculty members can issue ten books for a semester period.
Borrowing Privileges
Category of Membership | Number of Books | Loan Period | Late Fee Structure | Renewal Policy |
UG Students | 03 | 10 Days | Re 1/- Per day for all category members for late return of books. |
Students can renew the books consecutively two time either physically visiting library or on OPAC portal if there is no demand for same books from other students and faculty members. |
UG StudentsBook Bank | 04 | One Semester | ||
PG Students | 05 | 15 Days | ||
Faculty members | 10 | One semester | ||
Non Teaching staff | 02 | 15 Days |
Book Bank
Book Bank Institute library issue One set of books related to each to students among group of two for entire span of semester period. Students will return the books after completion their semester examination.

Library Membership
Every year newly joined students data will be received from respective department and the same will be uploaded on library software to enable the students to get library membership. and faculty members require to fill the membership form to avail library facilities. They will be issued library barcode enabled Identity card which they can use to borrow library resources. Database has been maintained in AutoLib software for all students and faculty members.

External Library Membership Service
Institute Library availed membership and maintain good relation with external Libraries including Automotive Research Association of India Pune Knowledge Center, IIT Mumbai Central Library and DELNET organization to access the resources available with respective libraries.The library users can visit the libraries and refer soft/hard copies of resources of IIT Mumbai and ARAI Knowledge center and DELNET online resources.

Online catalogue(OPAC)
Bibliographical details of all the books has been maintained in AutoLib software and students and faculty members can search the required books title-wise, author-wise, and subject-wise.
Reference Service
Library will forward Open access resources details and links to inquired resources to students and faculty members. Library staff members assist students to access books of required subjects. The media links have been provided on OPAC page of library software.
Library Services on Social Media

Social media enable library staff to share content in social networking. Library is taking efforts to introduce the its services using social media as a platform for knowledge sharing and information communication and dissemination in order to modernise the services in this digital era. Library uses Telegram, Whats App and E Mail to promote Library Services and Resources. Medias will be used to inform New Arrivals, updating different login details for online resources procured, Forwarding Images of book covers to aware about subject-wise books accessibility in Library etc. QR Code created for different portals of online resources and displayed in different locations of library premises to enable the users to get quick access to procured resources.
Library Staff
Library Staff
Sr. No | Name Of The Member | Committee Designation | Qualification | Experience | Email ID |
1 | Dr. S.P.Gudi | Librarian | Ph D,(Lib and Inf Sci), MPM,DLL&LW | 22Yrs. | spgudi@jspmrscoe.edu.in |
2 | Mr. Pradeep B. Nitnaware | Asst. Librarian | MLISc. | 15 Yrs. | pradeep_sha01@yahoo.co.in |
3 | Mr. Sagar A. Sonawane | Asst. Librarian | MLISc., M.A. | 10 Yrs. | s.sagar3@gmail.com |
4 | Mr. Sambhaji N. Ghadage | Library Clerk | MLISc. | 14 Yrs. | ghadagesn@rediffmail.com |
5 | Mr. Kiran S. Dalvi | Library Clerk | M.Com., GDC&A | 6 Year | kirandalvi52@gmail.com |
Book Exhibition Event
Book Exhibition at JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering During 3rd April 2024 to 5th April 2024.
JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Jayawant Library organized a Book Exhibition during 3rd April to 5th April 2024 to offer a wide range of access to books for holistic Development of students and faculty members. National Education Policy 2020 also emphasizes the importance on holistic development of students along with academics. Director Dr R K Jain inaugurated the exhibition along with Deputy Director Dr A S Devasthali by cutting the Ribbon. Heads of departments, faculty members, library staff members and a group of students joined in inauguration. Welcome Speech given by Dr. (Mrs) S.P. Gudi. . Dr. Sudhir Bhilare ,Executive Director, Shri Ravi Sawant, Campus Director were also present in the programme. Founder Secretary, JSPM, Dr Tanaji Sawant gave best wishes for the event.

Book Reading Activity on 11th December 2024 As part of Pune Book Festival
A Report on Book Reading Activity Organized as on 11th December 2024 at JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Jayawant Library, As part of Pune Book Festival During 14/12/2024 to 22/12/2024
The Pune city is hosted the Pune Book festival from 14 December 2024 to 22 December 2024 at Fergusson college on the direction of National Book Trust of India, in collaboration with various cultural and literary organisations, the festival aims to promote the reading culture and provide a platform for literary discussions and exchange. As a part of this the citizens of Pune are called upon to take part in Book Reading which is named as “Shantata Punekar Vachat Aahet” on 11th December 2024 at 12 Pm to 1:00 pm. As a part of it, Jayawant Library JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering has organized a Book Reading Hour. from 12:00pm to 1:00 pm. Honourable Director, Dr Santosh Bhosle, Deputy Director, Dr A S Deosthali and Dr A M Badade, Dean Administration, Dr S G Kandalkar, Dean R & D, Dr J A Hole and Librarian, Dr S.P. Gudi graced this event. Dr. Bhosle addressed students about importance of reading books and requested students and faculty members to visit the Pune Book Festival and buy books. Dr. S.P. Gudi explained about the Pune Book Festival and the about the ‘Symbolic Book Reading Activity’ named as ‘Shantata Punekar Vachat Aahet’ on 11th of Dec. 2024 at 12 PM to 1:00 pm. All students and faculty members were provided diverse Books from library and asked them to read for one hour. Dignitaries on the Dias were also participated in reading and influenced students to read books. Large number of students and faculty members took an active participation and registered their support.
IEEE Training
Report on IEEE Training Session “Identify New Research Areas and Track Technology Trends with New Features in IEEE” on 4th October 2022
JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Jayawant Library organized a Training session on “Identify New Research Areas and Track Technology Trends with New Features in IEEE” as on October 4, 2022 in MBA seminar hall in association with Research Cell. RSCOE. Mr. Gaurav Date. Training Manager, IEEE conducted the Training session. The session started at 10:00 am with the anchoring address by Ms. Rutuja. . Dr. A S DeosthaliDeputy Director felicitated the training Manager Mr. Gaurav Date and thanked him for his presence.Mr Gaurav Date focused on the facets like accessing media files, algorithmic codes, data sets, exporting mathematical equations and reference management during hisTraining. The faculty members and students were invited to attend the session and requested to take the benefit of it.
The dignitaries present at Training session were Prof. Dr A S Deosthali, Deputy Director, RSCOE, Dr Shailaja Patil, Dean, Research Cell, RSCOE, Dr S. P. Gudi., Librarian, RSCOE.
A quiz program was conducted and questions were asked to faculty and students regarding learned aspects of Training session. Attractive prizes were distributed to the faculty and students from IEEE organization with the auspicious hands of dignitaries. Vote of thanks given by Dr S.P.Gudi. Dr R K Jain Director, RSCOE gave best wishes for the training session.

Expert Talk on Competitive Exam Guidance
Report on Expert Talk "Competitive Exam Guidance"
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Jayawant Library, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering had organized a Expert Talk on Competitive Examinations like CAT and other Management Exams for Third Year Mechanical Engineering Students. The name of Resource person was Mr Arun Sharma. He is a Post Graduate from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. He is a nationally renowned trainer for CAT aspirants. . He has trained corporate houses and CAT aspirants since 1996 and has personally trained tens of thousands of students into the top IIMs and other top B Schools. Besides, he holds the unique distinction of clearing the CAT 21 times in a row, with several scores ranging between 99.93 to 99.99 percentile.
The session started with felicitation of Arun Sharma by Dr N S Mujumdar, and Dr S P Gudi. Dr S N Khan HOD Mechanical gave welcome speech and requested students take benefit of the session. Rachayya R Arakerimath, Dean IQAC also graced the session.
He also explained and interacted with students about how easily they can attempt aptitude questions. Dr Arun Sharma inculcated confidence among students how they can achieve 99.99 percentile by attempting and solving few Questions He also mentioned in his guidance as students need to study with dedication and with proper planning to crack the Competitive Examination. He communicated as solving Aptitude Questions regularly will help the students during their Placement. This Expert Talk was informative for students.

Celebration of Birth Anniversary of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam as a Reading Inspiration Day 15th October 2024 at JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Jayawant Library,
JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Jayawant Library celebrated the Birth Anniversary of former President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam as a Reading Inspiration Day. Dr A P J had a great passion for education and reading. The program was started with Goddess Sarswati poojan and garlanding of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam by Dr S P Gudi Librarian, Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering and Dr S M Yadav, HOD, Engineering Science and Humanities .Dr S.P Gudi addressed students about the importance of day as Dr A P J Kalam believes that reading improves knowledge and knowledge helps in building nation. He also believe that students are the future of India. In her speech she expressed as each and every book provides an opportunity to learn and explore new ideas and advised students to read books. Video on 4 Rules of Success from APJ Abdul Kalam’s life was shown to the students. Students were provided books from the library and asked them to read for 30 minutes with concentration. Few students shared their experience and thoughts about reading books. Students, Faculty and library staff were part of the program. The program ended with guidance of students by Dr S.P. Gudi to read more and more books.

Library Guide Map
Guide Map

Library Guide Map
Sr. No | Left Side | Right Side |
1 | Library Stack Room | Main Reading Hall |
2 | Reference Section with Reading Hall | Digital Library |
3 | Circulation Counter | Journal Section |
4 | Web OPAC Space | PG Reading Hall |
5 | Property Counter | |
6 | Audio Visual Room |
Collections and Electronic Database
Library Collections:
Sr. No | Particulars | Available |
1 | Books | 45696 |
2 | E-Books | 1,00,000 + |
3 | Journals | 128 |
4 | E-Journals | 659 |
5 | CDS/DVDs | 160 |
6 | Back Volumes of Journal | 315 |
Institutional Memberships
Eminent Libraries
1.Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) Library, Pune :
Membership Cards for Reference and Photocopy of study materials
2.. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)- Bombay, Mumbai:
Maximum 5 Students/Faculty Members can visit the Library for Reference,Consultation,Photocopying,
Databases (CD/DVD only)
3.Library Network
Developing Library Network (DELNET)
(Login through username and password available in the library).
Main Features
Main Features
- Consistent Collections in Print and Electronic
- Well-Equipped Digital Library
- Web OPAC Facilities
- Flexible Timings
- Spacious Reading Hall
- User-Oriented Services
- Institutional Memberships of Prominent Libraries
- Availability of CAS and SDI Services
- Library Alerts
- Qualified Staffs
- Guide List Available on Racks
- Bar Codes on Books and Library Membership Cards
- Well Lighted and Air-conditioned Reading Halls
- Canteen Facility Available nearby the Library
Library Services
Library Services
- Reference Services
- Circulation Services
- Online Renewal of Books
- Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- Syllabus Copies and Question Papers
- Book Bank Facility
- External Library Membership
- CAS Services
- Library Alerts
Library Services and Facilities
- Leading Service.
- Current Awareness Service.(CAS)
- Reference Service.
- Library Membership
- OPAC (Online Catalogue)
- Remote Access
- Reading hall With Proper Ventilation
- Book Bank Scheme
- Reference Room
- Digital Library
- Internet Facility
- OPAC(Online Public Access Catalogue)
- Working days: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Before and During Examinations: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
General Rules
- Books are the property of College.
- Keep silence in the Reading Hall.
- Keep your bags in property counter.
- Students and faculty members are members of library.
- UG and Polytechnic students can issue three books for ten days. PG students in engineering can issue five books for fifteen days.
- Books will be issued to Library card holders only.
- Books may be reissued if there is no claim on it.
- Online Renewal facility is available on the Web OPAC.
- A fine of Re.1- per day and per book will be charged on expiry of return date.
- A fine of Rs. 25- per group of student will be collected after non -receiving of book sets after one week of semester examinations.
- Student has to get the copy of lost book.
- Only back issues of journals will be issued outside.
- Do not damage the book in any form.
- No reference books will be issued.
- In case of loss of library card inform librarian immediately.
- Books issued need to be returned before proceeding for vacation.
- Students need to communicate if any change in contact details.
- Library clearance is must to terminate the membership.
- Outside students and faculty need to take permission of the principal for using library.
- Management and principal reserves incidental right.
LMS & OPAC Portal
LMS & OPAC Portal
Department wise Break-up of Books, Titles and Journals:
Sr. No | Courses | Number of Titles of the Books | Number of Volumes | Journals |
Print Journals | ||||
Sr.No | Courses | Number of Titles of the Books | Number of Volume | |
1 | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | 1114 | 6166 | 6 |
2 | Computer Science & Information Technology | 2469 | 9579 | 12 |
3 | Mechanical Engg. & Automation and robotics | 982 | 4869 | 12 |
4 | Civil Engg | 746 | 3691 | 6 |
5 | Engineering Science | 498 | 2718 | 5 |
6 | Electrical Engineering | 115 | 595 | 6 |
7 | Computer Science and Business Systems (CSBS) | 78 | 225 | 6 |
8 | MBA | 1424 | 5526 | 6 |
9 | MCA | 909 | 5177 | 6 |
10 | M.E. Design & M.E. HPE | 329 | 1007 | 6 |
11 | M.E. Computer Science and Engineering | 313 | 789 | 6 |
12 | M.E. Civil Structures | 127 | 485 | 6 |
13 | M.E. VLSI & M.E. E&TC Digital System | 371 | 1182 | 6 |
14 | Polytechnic Electronics and Telecommunication | 145 | 730 | 3 |
15 | Polytechnic Mechanical Engg | 108 | 904 | 4 |
16 | Polytechnic Civil Engineering | 121 | 696 | 3 |
17 | Polytechnic Computer Engineering | 158 | 801 | 3 |
18 | Research Center | -- | -- | 5 |
Total | 10007 | 45140 | 107 |