Professional Bodies

ACM : Association for Computing Machinery

Name of Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nilesh Korade
ACM Student Chapter is the international Association for Computing Machinery's student society which provides opportunities to students for networking, learn together and share their knowledge. Its main focus is on building and developing members' passion for computer science. ACM’s Student chapters worldwide serve as hubs of activity for ACM members and the computing community at large.

IEEE : IEEE Student Branch

Name of Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nilesh Korade
Student Branches provide an opportunity for IEEE Student members to begin networking in their areas of interest and future profession. There are over 2,000 Student Branches in over 100 countries, globally. IEEE Student Branch has access to funding that helps the group organize events and help individuals to have access to scholarships and awards.

CSI : Computer Society of India (Institutional Membership)

Name of Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nilesh Korade
Student Branches provide an opportunity for IEEE Student members to begin networking in their areas of interest and future profession. There are over 2,000 Student Branches in over 100 countries, globally. IEEE Student Branch has access to funding that helps the group organize events and help individuals to have access to scholarships and awards.

ISTE : Indian Society for Technical Education ((Institutional Membership)

Name of Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nilesh Korade
The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. Major Benefits of becoming an ISTE Member is that they are joining an academic fraternity of over 1,24,000 strong professionals and eligible to participate in Chapter, Section and National Level Conferences, Workshops and other activities of their academic interest etc.

IEI : Institute of Engineers, India

Name of Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nilesh Korade
The Institution of Engineers (India) is the national organization of engineers in India. The Institution of Engineers (India) has more than one million members in 15 engineering disciplines in 125 centers or chapters in India and overseas; it is the world's largest multi-disciplinary engineering professional society in engineering and technology world. The Institution of Engineers (India) was established in 1920 in Kolkata, West Bengal and is acclaimed to have pioneered non-formal education in engineering. Benefits of being a member of the students’ chapter:

  • Members can take part in Various technical events like seminars, workshops and model/ poster competitions, industrial visits, group discussions, technical quiz competitions which are organized by IEI chapter.
  • Opportunity to participate in technical events e.g., Seminars, Symposia, Conventions, Workshops etc. organized by various IEI centres at State, National and International levels at a concessional rate of 20%.
  • Student groups with membership only will be given preference in release of grants for their final year project.