Project Lab

The Project Lab offers supplemental learning services and resources. Peer and faculty tutoring, assistance with test preparation, access to computers, printers and online computer-assisted learning programs. This laboratory is a Lab as a Museum. The Project Laboratory area is 66.73 Sq. Mt.
Softwares: Fedora OS, Ubuntu OS, Java, gcc, NASM, Python, Eclipse
Hardware: Laser Printer
Internet Facility
Wi-Fi Facility
Students can perform the experiments based on test preparation, access to computers, printers and online computer-assisted learning programs.
Self-learning Lab

The Self-learning Lab is equipped with computer terminals with Internet connection, chairs, white board and good quality furniture and sensors of IoT projects. Self-Learning Laboratory area is 68 Sq. Mt.
Softwares: Fedora OS, Ubuntu, Java, gcc, NASM, Python, OpenGL, Modelio, QT, Eclipse, Mysql
Hardware: Network Printer, Wi-Fi Projector, Raspberry PI3, MQ2 Sensor, PIR Sensor, Gas Sensor, Sound Sensor, Multi sensor pack, Finger print Sensor, Wi-fi Access Point
Internet Facility
Wi-Fi Facility
Students can perform the experiments based on development of software and hardware projects. This laboratory is mainly used for the conduction of project related activities.
Linux Lab

The Linux Laboratory is equipped with latest configuration computer terminals with Internet connection, chairs, white board and good quality furniture. Linux lab is exclusive for the software programs. Linux Laboratory area is 66 Sq. Mt.
Softwares: Fedora OS, Ubuntu OS, TIBCO Statistaica, Java, gcc, Python, Eclipse
Hardware: Laser Printer
Internet Facility
Wi-Fi Facility
Students can perform the experiments based on Linux operating System and inspired to use Open Source Software’s and this laboratory is exclusive for the software programs.
PG Lab

The PG Laboratory is equipped with computer terminals with Internet connection, chairs, white board and good quality furniture. PG Laboratory area is 66.73 Sq.Mt.
Softwares: Fedora OS, Ubuntu OS, Java, gcc, NASM, Python, Eclipse
Hardware: Network Printer
Internet Facility
Wi-Fi Facility
Students can perform the experiments based on project works and dissertations. This laboratory is used for conducting the practical’s of ME students.
Multimedia Lab

Multi-computer teaching facilities dedicated to integrating creative technology with teaching and learning. We provide software, equipment and support for the production of web, software development, graphics, video animation, 3D fabrication and sound. The Multimedia Laboratory area is 66 Sq. Mt.
Softwares: Fedora OS, Ubuntu OS, Java, gcc, Python, OpenGL, Modelio, QT
Hardware: Laser Printer, Web camera, Audio System, Projector, Online UPS
Internet Facility
Wi-Fi Facility
Students can perform the experiments based on production of web, software development, graphics, video, animation, 3D fabrication and sound. This laboratory is basically used to focus on the multimedia techniques.
Research Lab

The Research Laboratory provides an environment for students to reinforce their understanding of the fundamental principles of IT and apply that knowledge through hands-on learning using current technology. The Research Laboratory area is 71.25 Sq.Mt.
Softwares: Fedora OS, Ubuntu OS, Java, gcc, NASM, Python, Eclipse, MongoDb
Hardware: Laser Printer
Internet Facility
Wi-Fi Facility
Students can perform the experiments based on doing the research activities like filling the patents, writing research papers
Software Lab

The Software Laboratory carries out research in the domains of software modeling, software development, software evolution and software engineering exclusive for the software programs. The Software Laboratory area is 66 Sq.Mt.
Softwares: Fedora OS, Ubuntu OS, Java, gcc, NASM, Python, Eclipse
Hardware: Laser Printer, IBall Web Camera
Internet Facility
Wi-Fi Facility
Hardware Lab

The Hardware Laboratory has various types of microprocessor, micro controller trainer kits along with interfacing modules to demonstrate the detailed applications of microprocessors. The purpose of this laboratory is to train the students to be familiar with the software and hardware of microprocessors so that they can gain enough experiences to meet the demand of the microprocessor era and principles of combinational and sequential digital logic design and optimization at a gate level. The Hardware Laboratory area is 66 Sq.Mt.
Major equipment’s of the lab are:
Internet Facility
Wi-Fi Facility
Software’s: Fedora OS, Java, gcc, NASM, Python, Eclipse
Hardware: Laser Printer, Microprocessor Kits and Interfacing Kits, Digital Trainer Kits, Oscilloscope, Power Supply, Raspberry PI3, Begal Bone and Interfacing Kits, IC Tester, Robotic Arm
Students can perform the experiments based on: Microprocessor and micro controller trainer kits along with interfacing modules to demonstrate the detailed applications of microprocessors and microcontrollers.