Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
To build and ensure quality culture at the institute
Systematic efforts and measures towards Academic Excellence of the institute
The primary aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution
Quality Policy of Institute
We are committed to impart value based quality education to maximize student satisfaction keeping in mind global trends and needs of the industry and society in a rapidly changing environment.
Quality Policy of Institute
We are committed to impart value based quality education to maximize student satisfaction keeping in mind global trends and needs of the industry and society in a rapidly changing environment.
Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education Organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles Acting as a nodal agency of the institution for quality-related activities.
National Service Scheme Cell
Dear All,
National Service Scheme (NSS) unit in the Institute is approved by Savitribai phule university. National Service Scheme (NSS) has been playing a vital role in enriching the souls and minds of the students of the Institute. The overall objective of this scheme is Education and Service to the community and by the community. It is a programme for students to cater to the needs of the community, as and when required. It helps the students to communicate with the society to understand the social issues. The students joining this scheme develop many behavioral interactive skills. They visit the rural areas as NSS volunteers during the camps organized by the Institute. The NSS volunteers take initiative in developing a Technocratic Environment and also help the underprivileged people to develop themselves. The scheme promotes the ability of the students to understand the societal issues in a better way so that they get opportunity to apply the technical knowledge being acquired during their study. Thus the ultimate goal of the scheme is to strive to inculcate the bond of patriotism, national integration, brotherhood, communal harmony among the Students. This unit functions as per the guidelines of SPPU and organizes various events and activities which address the cross cutting issues relevant to Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human values.
SC/ST Committee
SC/ST Committee

Internal Complaints Committee
Internal Complaints Committee

Right To Information Cell
Students Can Apply for Following Student Section Activity
- Application for bonafide certificate.
- Application for T.C. /L.C.
- Application for student L.C. for Migration.
- Application for the student leaving without completing the course.
- Application for Character certificate.
Anti Ragging Committee
Anti Ragging Committee

Entrepreneurship Development Cell
ED Cell of RSCOE
The Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) at JSPM’s RSCOE is started with the objective of promoting specialized knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship.In view of the worldwide shortage of jobs leading to unemployment problems and lack of proper utilization of human resources, the cell strives to convert the studentsintoentrepreneurs. This is an institutional mechanism for providing services to build budding entrepreneurs in the institution. Besides the cell plans to organize various programs regarding entrepreneurship development with the partnership of private and public organizations.We at RSCOE’s ED Cell welcome you all to this vision of creating and supporting the aspirations of building the nation through the medium of entrepreneurship.Our Entrepreneurship Development Cell is associated with NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network ), SPPU CIIL (Centre for innovation ,incubation and linkages), MHRD IIC (Ministry of Human Resourse Development).MCED (Maharashtra Centre For Entrepreneurship Development).
• Promoting entrepreneurship and innovations among the students and faculties . Providing specialized knowledge in specific areas.
• Supporting budding entrepreneurs with aspects of Mentoring, Funding opportunities , Registrations ,Patent filing and much more
Our Achivements
Our team from Computer Engineering got shortlisted for Finale of Ideation Competition by SPPU CIIL.Three Teams Achieved PCMC Hackathon –Festival Of Futures
Team ED Cell

- Dr.Vijayshri Mehtha – MBA - (9763722216)
- Dr. B.M.Bandgar - MCA - (7219202802)
- Prof. Nikhil Purawant – Mechanical (9699146299)
- Prof. A.V.Jawake – E&TC (9960451514)
- Prof.Golande– Computers -(9763213131)
- Prof. M.Shaikh - IT- ( 9763722197)
- Prof. Raj Bhosale – Civil- (7030893912)
- Prof. Abid Mulla – Electrical (9284598365)
Anti Sexual Harassment Committee
Anti Sexual Harassment Committee

Grievance Redressial Cell
Grievance Redressial Cell